Thursday, July 31, 2014

10 Myths on Dengue Fever

Myth 1 – Dengue fever is harmless

Myth 2 – Try taking guava juice, papaya leaves, 100 plus, crab soup etc. to increase your platelet count

Myth 3 – If you have low platelet count – it must be dengue

Myth 4 – I stay in high rise building so I am protected from mosquito bites. I would not get dengue.

Myth 5 – Dengue is a tropical disease. You do not get it in cold countries.

Myth 6 - Using insecticide spray is effective to eliminate Aedes mosquito.

Myth 7 – If your platelet count is low – the doctor should transfuse you with platelets

Myth 8 – If you have dengue before – you are forever immune to dengue.

Myth 9 – My platelet count is very low – it means that I must have severe dengue.

Myth 10 – We need antibiotics to treat dengue.

Demam Dengi / Dengue Fever

Study: Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccines Not Associated With Autism

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Autism and Vaccines.